We solve
bonus abuse

Greco's Gameplay Risk Engine is designed to combat bonus abuse in real-time. Improve your operational marketing efficiency and significantly reduce costs.

How the platform works

Realtime data feed sent to Greco including all gameplay. (Bet and Wins anonymised)
Advanced AI modelling is used to analyse each abuse behaviour, taking each individual slot mechanic into account.
Observations are actioned in real-time with escalations across a wide range of communication channels.
Greco Shield

Introducing the  Greco Shield

Your first line of defence against bonus abuse. The Greco Shield is a visible deterrent, displayed wherever you market your bonus offers. Not only does it demonstrate your proactive approach to combating abuse, it also discourages potential abusers, keeping your operations safe and efficient.
Greco ShieldGreco Shield
real time

player alerts

Stay ahead of the game with our real-time player notifications. As soon as suspicious activity is detected, an automatic notification is sent to the player in-game. This immediate response discourages further abuse, sets clear boundaries and helps to maintain a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all.

“Thanks to Greco, we can focus on providing the best gaming experience to our genuine players, while effectively eliminating fraudulent activity. Their real-time identification of bonus abuse and ability to segment players based on risk has greatly improved our operational and marketing efficiency. We couldn't be happier with the results.”

Michail Koutsoukos, Director of CRM
at Kaizen Gaming

Maximised player
value with Greco

Greco seamlessly merges enhanced user experience with robust security, delivering unparalleled efficiency and savings. Explore the game-changing benefits.
Enhancing user experience (UX)

By proactively managing disruptive players, we ensure a smoother experience for the vast majority. Enjoy faster payouts, better content, richer bonuses and more player-friendly terms and conditions. Our automated responses to early risk indicators mean less severe action, protecting your brand's reputation.

Saving time

Say goodbye to manual play reviews during withdrawals. With Greco, your analysts can focus on their core tasks. With reduced penalties such as confiscations, your team will spend less time resolving disputes. And when problems do arise, you can rely on Greco to provide all the evidence you need.

Saving money

Harness the precision of Greco's expert-crafted algorithm. Say goodbye to outdated threshold reviews, human oversight, and sporadic abuse spikes. Embrace tangible cost reductions with our advanced gameplay risk management solution.

Trusted by leading
operators globally

Greco supports over 40 top tier industry operators across 5 continents, in the fight against bonus abuse. With over ten years of research and experience in bonus abuse management. The Greco platform allows operators to proactively tackle bonus abuse, improving operational marketing efficiency and significantly reducing costs.
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